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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Amra Apnar Pashe

Avgiv hviv N‡I e‡m AbjvB‡b A_© DcvR©b Ki‡Z B”QyK Zviv A‡b‡KB nqZ KvR cvBbv|
Avgv‡`i g‡a¨ Ggb A‡bK B Av‡Qb hviv Kw¤úDUvi wK‡bwQ ïay gvÎ †kLvi Rb¨ A_ev †Mgm †Ljvi Rb¨|
‡ewki fvMB KvR Ki‡Z Pvb wKš‘ KvR cvbbv Avevi  A‡b‡K KvR †c‡qI KvR K‡ib bv Kvib Kv‡Ri g~j¨  †ewki fvM mgq Kg †`Iqv nq|
Avgiv A‡b‡KI G fq I †c‡q _vwK †h KvR K‡i †c‡g›U cv‡ev wK bv| Kvib AbjB‡b hviv KvR K‡i _v‡Kb A_ev Kwi‡q _v‡Kb Zviv †c‡g›U K‡I _v‡Kb A‡bKUv wV‡j Vvjv fv‡e|G †L‡Î wKQy Kvib _v‡K †hgb Avcwb hvi KvR Ki‡Qb †m hw` evqvi †`I KvQ †_‡K †c‡g›U
wVK gZ bv cvq Zvn‡j †m Avcbv‡KI †c‡g›U w`‡Z †`ix Ki‡e nqZ|
Avgiv G †L‡Î Avgv‡`I Ae¯’vb Uv G fv‡e eje †h :-
Avgiv †c‡g›U Kwi bZzb †`i‡K gvwmK wfwˇZ| bZzb hviv KvR Ki‡e Zviv hw` cÖ_g gv‡m fvj KvR K‡i Zvn‡j Avgiv Zv‡`I †c‡g›U w`e
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GLb eje hviv bZzb Zv‡`I †K Avgiv †c‡g›U w`‡Z wKQyUv †`wi Kijvg †Kb|
Gi Kvib nj Avgiv AvDU‡mvwm©s Gi KvR Kwi Zviv g~jZ KvR Kwi A‡b¨i | Avi hviv Avgv‡`i‡K w`‡q KvR Kivq Zviv KL‡bvq Lvivc KvR wb‡e bv|
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Z‡e Avgiv `ye©j †`i‡K mvnvh¨ Kie Zv‡`I KvR fv‡jv Ki‡Z |
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DcvR©b Ki‡Z cvi‡eb| G‡L‡Î Avcbv‡K 2-3 gvm KvR Ki‡Z n‡e|
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G Rb¨ Avgv‡`i ¶y`ª G cÖ‡Póv| GKwU evi fveyb Avcwb wK Ggb wU Ki‡Z Pvb|